Cameron Stories Shared – Edition 1

At the Clan Cameron Australia Gathering held at the Gold Coast 20-22 April 2018 we asked people to share their stories of their Cameron ancestors, particularly those who are part of the Scottish Diaspora. We asked people to tell us how their ancestors travelled and where they travelled to and to relate the subsequent story in their new home. Did their ancestors leave Scotland willingly or with a heavy heart? What happened to the Camerons, the Clarkes, the MacSorleys, the Chalmers, the Taylors, the MacMartins, the Gilberts, the MacPhails and the many other families associated with Clan Cameron when they left Scotland?

This book is a result of the stories that were so generously shared. We want to say thank you for all who contributed. The stories have not been edited, except for brevity where necessary.

Cameron Stories Shared – Edition 1 can be downloaded at: Clan Cameron Stories Edition 1

These are your stories and we thought it important that they be told in your words.

We hope that you enjoy these stories and we encourage you to record your own family history! The stories of those before you helped shape who you are. In telling their story you can feel part of something greater than yourself since you are the connection between the generations before you and those that follow after.

This is the thing that unites us to our bloodline and to our fellow clansmen and clanswomen.

Edition 1 may undergo further refinement with both the content and presentation.

If you wish to contribute your own story for the 2nd Edition then please submit your copy to the Secretary, Terry Cameron, Clan Cameron NSW Inc. , or The Secretary, Clan Cameron NSW Inc. 24 Park Road SPRINGWOOD NSW 2777

Final date for submissions is 30 June 2021.

A concise story, typed in Times New Roman 12pt font, 2-4 pages with photos or images is recommended.